
Mechanical tests

C.T.M. s.r.l. offers weld procedure and welder qualification testing to all European and American standards such as EN, ISO, ASTM, ASME, NACE, AD-MERKBLATT, EEMUA and others or are tailored to each Client’s individual requirements. All facilities offer extensive machining and mechanical testing capabilities utilising highly experienced technical staff to carry out evaluation.

The equipment used to carry out such tests are all calibrated by a University Institution (recognized by Italian Government as Official Calibration Centre) two times a year and by an ACCREDIA Centre every year, thus ensuring the certainty of given data.

The following main testing activity is commonly carried out by the division:

  • tensile test at ambient temperature
  • tensile test at elevated temperatures (600°c)
  • impact test to sub-zero temperatures (-196°c)
  • brinell hardness test
  • vickers hardness test
  • rockwell hardness test
  • micro-hardness test
  • bend test
  • tear test
  • pull-out test
  • load test
  • shear test


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