
dx ultrasuoni

The “non-destructive and partially-destructive tests” division of C.T.M. s.r.l. provides a comprehensive site investigation service to test concrete structures after the concrete has hardened to determine whether the structure is suitable for its designed use. The tests available for testing concrete range from the completely non-destructive, where there is no damage to the concrete, through those where the concrete surface is slightly damaged, to partially destructive tests, where the surface has to be repaired after the test.

The range of properties that can be assessed using non-destructive tests and partially destructive tests is quite large and includes such fundamental parameters as density, elastic modulus and strength as well as surface hardness and surface absorption, and reinforcement location, size and distance from the surface.

Non-destructive testing can be applied to both old/historic and new structures. For new structures, the principal applications are likely to be for quality control or the resolution of doubts about the quality of materials or construction. The testing of existing structures is usually related to an assessment of structural integrity or adequacy or to provide information on material chemical-physical properties in order to help in the design of a compatible mortar (heritage preservation and recovery).

C.T.M. s.r.l. recognised by Ministry of Transport and Public Work D.P.R. No.380/2001 art.59 – Ministerial Decree (D.M.) No. 0009827 of 12/12/2013 and is authorised to carry out and certify plate bearing tests, static pile load tests and in-situ density tests .

The staff of C.T.M. s.r.l. includes experts certified by the CICPND (Italian Co-ordination Centre for Non-Destructive Testing) at the higher level (level III)for non-destructive testing.

Main site tests include:

  • schmidt/rebound hammer testing
  • ultrasonic pulse velocity testing
  • magnetic particle testing
  • covermeter testing
  • penetration resistance test
  • carbonation test
  • cross-hole test
  • static and dynamic load test
  • windows and doors testing
  • pipes leak test
  • ground penetrating radar testing
  • esem analysis
  • xrd analysis
  • tga analysis
  • infrared thermography
  • endoscopic analysis
  • compatible mortar mix-design
  • pull-out and pull-off test
  • hydraulic flat jack test
  • shearing test on masonry
  • stress and strain measurements
  • cracks monitoring
  • core boring

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