Design features
- Perfect vertical rhythm.
- 5 built in styles: Green (default), Blue, Red, Orange and Black.
- Module Descriptions - a unique feature to add module descriptions under the module title.
- 25+ Module positions for more flexibility.
- Sticky Tools bar with pathway, social icons and Go to top button. Can be turned On/Off and browsers can remember.
- Unique and CSS3 designed search module and main navigation.
- Unique design for DJ Slider with full width slides and micro-slides, AND a bunch of CSS classes for you to play.
- Amazing Typography with awesome price tables, lists, buttons, blockquotes, bubbles and lots more.
- Header becomes partially transparent when slideshow position is used.
- Fixed 980px design.
- 2 + 2 layouts - flexible content columns & mobile devices layouts
- More than 20 beautiful module styles with icons and special effects.
- Custom offline and 404 page
- CSS3 Custom Checkboxes & Radio Buttons powered by CSS Ninja. Click here to check now!. Please note: this requires: Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9.6+, Safari 3.2+*, iPhone/iPod Safari**, Chrome 4+, IE9+ and it is disabled for "Remember me" checkbox of the login module.
- jQuery & CSS3 Custom Select powered by jqTransform. Tested & works and in all major browsers including IE6.
- jQuery & CSS3 Custom Tooltips inspired by this tutorial. Test here.
- jQuery powered browser detection script for various compatibility fixes. A unique and most wanted feature.
- Valid XHTML and CSS
- DNP Sweet Social Icons for your integrated communication chanels.
- 1000+ handpicked icons for your menu items (located in images/icons-fugue and images/icons-silk folders from the Quickstart Package)
- Browsers: IE7+, Chrome 4+, Safari, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9.6+
- Joomla! 1.7 - includes Quickstart Installation with the very content you see here.
- jQuery - The template incorporates jQuery v1.6+ library used for various functions. No conflict is enabled.
- Full documentation for the template and extensions.
- Quickstart with beautiful sample data and module positions page.
- PSD Sources for the graphics used by the template.
- The Tools Panel allows you to switch layouts, menus, styles without leaving the page and without having to click apply all the time. It also displays valuable information about the styles or menus curently used and provides plenty of code snipets you can customize for your needs.
- Help will be provided via e-mail and/or by forum support. Click here to find out more..