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C.T.M. s.r.l. is recognised by Ministry of Transport and Public Work Italian Law No. 1086 of 05/11/1971 – Ministerial Decree (D.M.) No. 42943 of 30/04/1997 and authorised to carry out and certify testing of construction material.

C.T.M. s.r.l. recognised by Ministry of Transport and Public Work D.P.R. No.380/2001 art.59 – Ministerial Decree (D.M.) No. 0004973 of 04/06/2010. C.T.M. s.r.l. and is authorised to carry out and certify testing of soils.

C.T.M. s.r.l. recognised by Ministry of Transport and Public Work D.P.R. No.380/2001 art.59 – Ministerial Decree (D.M.) No. 0009827 of 12/12/2013 and is authorised to carry out and certify plate bearing tests, static pile load tests and in-situ density tests.

C.T.M. s.r.l. is recognised  by the CICPND  (Italian Coordination Centre for Non-Destructive Testing) as examination centre n° 001/EC (NDT methods: UT – SC – PE – MP – PC), aimed at the certification of personnel responsible for testing concrete and masonry civil structures.

C.T.M. s.r.l. is UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified for supplying the following field of activities: Provision of metallographic, mechanical, geotechnical analysis and laboratory testing services and on building materials for structural applications; Provision of diagnostic survey services; Non destructive testing and monitoring of concrete, reinforced and pre-stressed concrete structures, walls and metallic structures.


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